Registration No.: E3920
Contact Information: 9881074891 / 9284108851
Registration No.: E3920
Contact Information: 9881074891 / 9284108851
Currently, there are over 10,000 Gurukuls operating very effectively in India. Based on the education provided, they can be classified as follows:
According to the branches of Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, and Atharvaveda, knowledge of Samhita, Pada-Path, Varga-Path, Vikriti-Path, Ghan-Path, etc., is imparted. Some schools also provide comprehensive education in Aksharabhyaas, Mantra recitation, Stotra, Yajnic rituals, Puja, etc.
Sanskrit is also called the language of the gods and is the mother of all languages. Most religious texts have been composed in Sanskrit. Yajnas, rituals, and other religious activities are performed in Sanskrit. It is an extremely simple and elegant language, spoken in some parts of India. In a Sanskrit Pathashala, grammar, etymology, metrics, poetry, and literature are studied.
Systematic study of the Shastras is essential. Currently, Nyaya, Vyakarana, Vedanta, and Mimamsa are the four Shastras most commonly taught in Gurukuls. Gurukuls for the study of other Shastras like Vaisheshika, Mathematics, Astronomy, and Yoga are also being established.
When a Gurukul offers studies in all five branches of knowledge—Veda, Science, Yoga, Agriculture, and Arts—it is called a comprehensive Gurukul. Studying here ensures the holistic development of a student's personality. These Gurukuls provide knowledge of both ancient wisdom and contemporary Western subjects. Some students from these Gurukuls have achieved top positions in various fields, including IIT.
According to 'Shukraniti,' there are countless arts. However, among these, 64 arts, including music, handicrafts, sculpture, dance, and painting, are more popular. The elements of humanity and aesthetics present in various dimensions of Indian culture manifest as art. Aesthetics is the essence of art. Art is both culture-centric and religion-centric, making it extremely important in life. Art fosters purity of mind and is a source of joy. An Art Gurukul will teach expressive arts like music, sculpture, drama, practical arts for self-reliance, self-defense arts like Dhanurveda, as well as other cultural, scientific, and practical subjects. The curriculum will also include the principles and practice of Yoga, along with skills in agriculture, cow protection, and other productive crafts.